Simple nonprofit software that activates your supporters

Visualize, Fundraise and Create Impact

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Nonprofit software to turn your organization into a movement

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Mobile apps and digital tools so you can reach your supporters and voters

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A live map of your supporters and their profiles so you can visualize the membership in your organization

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A separate instance of Ecanvasser for each of your constituencies or field offices so you can give autonomy without losing control

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A data privacy dashboard to ensure compliance in voter management and data gathering in the field

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Peer-to-peer fundraising tools so you can build a predictable donor program

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Data analysis and insights so you can understand your organization’s campaigning and easily report on it

See how nonprofits are using Ecanvasser to manage their communities

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Building Connected Constituencies

  • Outreach CRM that is always-on and driving organizational campaigns

  • Network-based structure to connect local offices together

  • Two-way communication system with your community

Visualize icon

Reporting Kills, Insight Thrills

  • Visualize your wider community
    in map or CRM format

  • See grassroots actions tracked
    in real-time

  • Aggregate data into meaningful reports

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Turning Passive Support Into Votes

  • Invite passive supporters into your active database easily

  • Invite passive supporters into your active database easily

  • Invite passive supporters into your active database easily

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Developing a Broad Membership Base

  • Use your existing supporters to find new donors in the community

  • Tag and filter donors for follow-up email or SMS campaigns

  • Generate predictable small-donation fundraising program

How your people will benefit from Ecanvasser’s world class features

Executive Directors

Keep your finger on the pulse of your organization from local grassroots operations to national-level campaigns.

Run your distributed network of members effectively, getting the most from your people and reaching deep into the community.

Use the analytics coming back from local offices to generate insights around messaging and strategy for the entire organization.

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Outreach Coordinators

Give your grassroots supporters an app to really reach out into their communities. Let them engage, recruit and build awareness of your organization.

Track activity on all outreach both digital and real-world. Clearly see what your community are thinking in graphic analytics.

Create teams, assign tasks and push notifications directly to your supporters through the app. Organize efficiently and remotely.

Fundraising Managers

Peer-to-peer fundraising builds on your existing network of supporters and uses them to find new donors in the community.

Grow your donor base organically recruiting through personal relationships and then incentivising new supporters to recruit others.

Create a predictable fundraising program that asks for small donations regularly with text-to-donate tools or website donation widgets.

Supporter Coordinators

Visualize your membership or supporters with our unique membership directory including mapping and supporter profiles.

Recruit new members with our simple Volunteer toggle that is activated by your existing team members and retain those new recruits with your engagement apps.

Coordinate supporter's activities in the community suggesting activities for them to take part in and tracking their work remotely.

Community Management

Ecanvasser's Helpdesk is an organized space for your team to coordinate one-to-one follow-ups with your community and create long-lasting relationships.

Gather and respond to questions from the field - at the door, at an event, over the phone, or through social media.

Build lasting relationships with your community by addressing individual concerns.

Phone outreach

There is now a clear trend towards phone and SMS outreach for community organizations.

Face-to-face outreach programs at events are now being supplemented by phone and SMS communications. Using your teams' own phones you can reach supporters and community members quickly and efficiently.

All data is captured in real-time while on the call and sync'd back to the central database. Simply assign call lists to your volunteers and even push call scripts direct to their app to keep them on-message at all times. Phone and SMS outreach is the most effective and efficient way of reaching your community this year.

As simple to set up
as it is to use

Ecanvasser was built by people who have been where you are, and understand all the moving parts of successful canvassing.

  • tick icon

    Onboard your team quickly

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    Track canvassing activity in real time

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    Stay in control of every campaign

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