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UK Election 2017: The Main Political Players

Brendan Finucane
Brendan Finucane
May 16, 2017

5 min read

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June 8th, 2017 is when the UK goes to the polls once more. The headaches will begin after.

“The country is coming together but Westminster is not”, these were the words that Theresa May used to break the news about something that we already knew, ‘politicians simply weren’t fans of this Brexit business’.

Which Leaders Are Leading?

Theresa May - The Conservatives

The Good: May is hoping to increase the parliamentary majority for her ruling Conservatives, strengthening her negotiating position ahead of tough talks with the EU over the Brexit process. She has previously said that she will seek a "hard Brexit", insisting it was necessary to make a clean break and not opt for anything that "leaves us half-in, half out". May is expecting to gain a sizable increase in her majority, and all the opinion polls suggest that that is true. It is shown that the Conservatives are about 20 points ahead of Labour, the main opposition party led by Jeremy Corbyn. After dominating the local elections, it is just a case of how blue will the UK turn.

**The Bad:**Things aren't going well on the doorstep for May, video footage of her knocking on doors in Scotland sent many into hysterics as not one door opened to the UK Prime Minister. All this bad publicity looks to be inconsequential however as they remain in the driving seat ahead of June 8th.

Jeremy Corbyn - Labour

O Mr.Corbyn, it doesn’t look good.

The Good: In stark contrast to the Conservative canvassing efforts, the Labour doorstep movement has social media alight with positive campaigners and solid interactions on the campaign trail.

The Bad: With the party significantly behind in the polls, there has been rife speculation that Labour MPs may try to unseat Corbyn or break away after the election. Touted to lose as many as 50 seats, a recent ICM poll has shown that if there were a general election tomorrow, only about a quarter of 18 to 24-year-olds would vote Labour and nearly half would vote Tory, a big shift from the norm. The media do not see Corbyn as a credible leader and the party remain clearly divided and unable to function as an opposition in parliament.

Caroline Lucas & Jonathan Bartley - Green Party

Good or Bad? Earlier this week, the Greens made their first tactical move. They pulled out of a seat in Ilford North in the latest bid by the party to oust the Conservatives in the general election. It is hoped the move will channel more votes to Labour’s Wes Streeting, who has represented the constituency for the last two years after beating former Tory MP Lee Scott by just 589 votes in 2015.

Caroline Lucas, the co-leader of the Greens is the only current MP and is confident of being elected in the Brighton Pavilion. She has been very vocal recently stating that there was “enthusiasm” for deals between parties in the run-up to the General Election stop a Tory landslide victory.

Tim Farron - Lib Dems

The "I told you so" guy: He doesn’t want Brexit, never did and practically predicted it well before ‘Brexit’ became a thing. The man who now leads the Liberal Democrats first warned in 2010 that the Labour government had not sufficiently championed Britain’s membership of the EU. He told the House of Commons at the time that “unless something radical is done”, the British public “will continue slowly to drift on a tide of Eurosceptic media stories to a point at which this country will ultimately leave the EU altogether”. He is using the Summer election to call for a stay.

While the young leader is bouncing full of energy, his campaigning and party are not. Nationally they will struggle to win enough votes to be seen as a serious threat.

Nicola Sturgeon - Scottish National Party

Scotland Forever: Sturgeon has not been one to shy away from speaking her mind. Believing that Theresa May called a June election to capitalize on the growing disarray in the Labour camp, Mrs. Sturgeon described the announcement as “one of the most extraordinary U-turns in recent political history” and a “huge political miscalculation”. She said it showed Theresa May was “once again putting the interests of her party ahead of the country”. Intent on holding onto EU membership for Scotland, Sturgeon is pushing for a second independence referendum in Scotland. Mrs. Sturgeon saw Brexit – opposed by 62% of Scots - as the game-changer that opened the way to another vote on separation. She attempted to bounce the Prime Minister into letting her hold one either in the autumn of 2018 or the spring of 2019.

Paul Nuttall - UKIP

Resigned to defeat: The leader of the self-proclaimed “most eurosceptic party” in the UK, Nuttall doesn’t see himself as a favorite in the June 8th Election. UKIP will only field candidates in 377 seats nationally in this election, around 40% down on 2015, but Mr. Nuttall insisted it did not mean the party was spent as a political force. Opinion polls tend to disagree however as they suggest a significant proportion of the nearly four million people who voted for UKIP in the last General Election are now turning towards the Conservatives.

More bad news for UKIP as the recent local elections saw UKIP lose more than 140 councilors across the country, with just a single gain.

If you are interested in campaigning better than a lot of these parties, why not get in touch with us here at Ecanvasser and we can talk you through some things.


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Listening to our current users,  we are aware that there can be an internal struggle of team management when it comes to organizing quickly. To get people out on doors, the back and forth over Whatsapp, Messenger, and (insert other apps here) can be endless. We aim to streamline this process for you with Ecanvasser. Now organizers can commit via the Walk app (their canvassing app!) and get notified in the run-up to the event so that they don’t forget. By building it into the door knocking process life has gotten a lot easier for campaign managers.

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UK Election 2017: The Main Political Players

Brendan Finucane
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June 8th, 2017 is when the UK goes to the polls once more. The headaches will begin after.

“The country is coming together but Westminster is not”, these were the words that Theresa May used to break the news about something that we already knew, ‘politicians simply weren’t fans of this Brexit business’.

Which Leaders Are Leading?

Theresa May - The Conservatives

The Good: May is hoping to increase the parliamentary majority for her ruling Conservatives, strengthening her negotiating position ahead of tough talks with the EU over the Brexit process. She has previously said that she will seek a "hard Brexit", insisting it was necessary to make a clean break and not opt for anything that "leaves us half-in, half out". May is expecting to gain a sizable increase in her majority, and all the opinion polls suggest that that is true. It is shown that the Conservatives are about 20 points ahead of Labour, the main opposition party led by Jeremy Corbyn. After dominating the local elections, it is just a case of how blue will the UK turn.

**The Bad:**Things aren't going well on the doorstep for May, video footage of her knocking on doors in Scotland sent many into hysterics as not one door opened to the UK Prime Minister. All this bad publicity looks to be inconsequential however as they remain in the driving seat ahead of June 8th.

Jeremy Corbyn - Labour

O Mr.Corbyn, it doesn’t look good.

The Good: In stark contrast to the Conservative canvassing efforts, the Labour doorstep movement has social media alight with positive campaigners and solid interactions on the campaign trail.

The Bad: With the party significantly behind in the polls, there has been rife speculation that Labour MPs may try to unseat Corbyn or break away after the election. Touted to lose as many as 50 seats, a recent ICM poll has shown that if there were a general election tomorrow, only about a quarter of 18 to 24-year-olds would vote Labour and nearly half would vote Tory, a big shift from the norm. The media do not see Corbyn as a credible leader and the party remain clearly divided and unable to function as an opposition in parliament.

Caroline Lucas & Jonathan Bartley - Green Party

Good or Bad? Earlier this week, the Greens made their first tactical move. They pulled out of a seat in Ilford North in the latest bid by the party to oust the Conservatives in the general election. It is hoped the move will channel more votes to Labour’s Wes Streeting, who has represented the constituency for the last two years after beating former Tory MP Lee Scott by just 589 votes in 2015.

Caroline Lucas, the co-leader of the Greens is the only current MP and is confident of being elected in the Brighton Pavilion. She has been very vocal recently stating that there was “enthusiasm” for deals between parties in the run-up to the General Election stop a Tory landslide victory.

Tim Farron - Lib Dems

The "I told you so" guy: He doesn’t want Brexit, never did and practically predicted it well before ‘Brexit’ became a thing. The man who now leads the Liberal Democrats first warned in 2010 that the Labour government had not sufficiently championed Britain’s membership of the EU. He told the House of Commons at the time that “unless something radical is done”, the British public “will continue slowly to drift on a tide of Eurosceptic media stories to a point at which this country will ultimately leave the EU altogether”. He is using the Summer election to call for a stay.

While the young leader is bouncing full of energy, his campaigning and party are not. Nationally they will struggle to win enough votes to be seen as a serious threat.

Nicola Sturgeon - Scottish National Party

Scotland Forever: Sturgeon has not been one to shy away from speaking her mind. Believing that Theresa May called a June election to capitalize on the growing disarray in the Labour camp, Mrs. Sturgeon described the announcement as “one of the most extraordinary U-turns in recent political history” and a “huge political miscalculation”. She said it showed Theresa May was “once again putting the interests of her party ahead of the country”. Intent on holding onto EU membership for Scotland, Sturgeon is pushing for a second independence referendum in Scotland. Mrs. Sturgeon saw Brexit – opposed by 62% of Scots - as the game-changer that opened the way to another vote on separation. She attempted to bounce the Prime Minister into letting her hold one either in the autumn of 2018 or the spring of 2019.

Paul Nuttall - UKIP

Resigned to defeat: The leader of the self-proclaimed “most eurosceptic party” in the UK, Nuttall doesn’t see himself as a favorite in the June 8th Election. UKIP will only field candidates in 377 seats nationally in this election, around 40% down on 2015, but Mr. Nuttall insisted it did not mean the party was spent as a political force. Opinion polls tend to disagree however as they suggest a significant proportion of the nearly four million people who voted for UKIP in the last General Election are now turning towards the Conservatives.

More bad news for UKIP as the recent local elections saw UKIP lose more than 140 councilors across the country, with just a single gain.

If you are interested in campaigning better than a lot of these parties, why not get in touch with us here at Ecanvasser and we can talk you through some things.


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Sign up now to have our campaign consultants guide you through your 7-day trial

Speak to salesSpeak to sales

Listening to our current users,  we are aware that there can be an internal struggle of team management when it comes to organizing quickly. To get people out on doors, the back and forth over Whatsapp, Messenger, and (insert other apps here) can be endless. We aim to streamline this process for you with Ecanvasser. Now organizers can commit via the Walk app (their canvassing app!) and get notified in the run-up to the event so that they don’t forget. By building it into the door knocking process life has gotten a lot easier for campaign managers.

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