The summer is well and truly over and as we emerge from the underneath our sun umbrellas, we must start to refocus for the last hurdle that this election season will bring. The weeks have slipped by pretty fast and as the presidential debates are in full swing, we begin to realize that the s*** has really hit the proverbial fan.
If you are a campaign manager you are now at your busiest time of the year. Still, if you are working, you have clearly been doing something right, but now it’s time to up your game - substantially.
Most candidates have moved over to the digital tools when it comes to campaign business. Operating out of the technological sphere not only helps you keep track of all your moves to date, it also allows you to plan future ones. These days all politics is mobile, thanks to apps such as Ecanvasser, Organizer, and NGP Van. The impact of technology on political operations is phenomenal.
Donations & Fundraising
Election software helps you to monitor campaign fundraising. Raising revenue is one of the biggest hurdles and can cause the most issues for many political candidates. With most donations coming in online these days, it is great to have a software which tracks all the lodgements, be that through an app or a button on your campaign website. It saves time and eliminates the margin for human error when dealing with something as important as money.
Team Organisation
As your campaign grows, so too, will your membership and overall volunteer network. Due to large campaigns spanning over large vicinities, it is important to ensure that all members feel part of a community. The best way to do this is to use a software to help unite all members. Outreach to each team member is a great way to inspire connectedness and is usually available at the click of a button with the likes of NationBuilder and Ecanvasser.
Email Correspondance
Campaign email blasts, previously a taboo subject, aren’t as toxic as many would perceive them to be. They are not spam, instead, they are still your most direct route to donors, voters, and the media. Thanks to advances in technology , you can now make emails feel unique to many recipients and thus, foster that sense of a personal relationship.
Door to Door
Canvassing is the crux for many campaigns during election seasons. Most recognize how instrumental it is but some simply don’t know how best to harness its effectiveness. By using mobile software you are inserting yourself directly into the field and giving yourself a bird's eye view of what is going on with each canvasser. You will never have to worry about missing out on an area or canvassing people twice again. You can easily see where your stronghold is in your electoral area.
Election software is no longer the strange and scary entity it once was. For a long time, the political sector was being run by an older generation who would have been adverse to technology but now the same people are embracing the software and seeing the benefits.
If you'd like to learn more about how to leverage your voter data to canvass smarter why not take a free trial of our software to help your campaign.